
I'm Kurt Sneddon. 

I photograph awesome actors, dancers, models and performers in the streets of New York City. 

I am originally from Sydney, Australia, where I founded Blueprint Studios and became one of Australia's most-trusted photographers for the entertainment industry for 15 years and now I'm proud to call myself a New Yorker!

My own experience as an actor is inherent to my work and with an innate understanding of what actors need and knowing how to make performers look like the best version of themselves (without getting that "double-take look" from a casting agent), you can just relax and let's have a blast mucking about and playing dress-ups! It ain't rocket-science!

I work with excellent hair and makeup stylists and you can choose to hire their services or prepare your own. 

I can also organize you a professional wardrobe stylist who'll supply all the outfits and book a studio for additional rates if you want more of an editorial "studio" portfolio.

I hope you'll find a photo shoot with me relaxed, professional, easy, fun and by the time you receive your online gallery, the common reaction is "OMG Kurt - how the heck am I going to choose from these! They're ALL so awesome!!"

You can check out what my clients say about me here

And then just click to say hi!

...and if you wanna see me "act" - scroll down to my showreel and my own actor headshots below :)

On a personal note, I'm also a Foster parent with my wife and we have our very own podcast if you'd like to listen (see below)

SUBSCRIBE at Apple Podcasts here

And here's my most recent instagram feed:

Wanna see me act? Click above to watch my showreel :)

And some headshots of yours truly:

(Just to show you I know what it feels like to get in front of the camera! lol)

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